Friday, January 20, 2012

"The Idiot Box" Creating a Strong Team Page and Game Demo

Hi everyone. Hopefully most full-year students are finishing up work on their Game Demo by this point in the year. (If you entered the STEM or Civics competition in West Virginia the Game Demo milestone is due February 16th!) Your Game Demo allows you to demonstrate your understanding of Flash Coding while also sharing some important information about your future game. In your demo you should have the following:
  • Team Introduction: Give the names and roles of all team members (no last names)
  • Audience: Who are you designing your game for, and why?
  • Gameplay: What does the player see and do? What are the rules and how do you win? What is the goal of the game?
  • Learning Goal: What will the player learn by playing this game?
  • Fun Factor: What makes your game fun for the player?
  • Smart Factor: What does your game teach? What can someone learn by playing it? 
  • Style Factor: What kind of graphic/animation style will you use? What kind of sounds?
  • Originality Factor: What makes your game special and unique? Why will it sell?
The Demo should also have some sample images and animations that will be featured in your finished game. Contrary to what their name implies, team "The Idiot Box" from George Washington High School has created a really fantastic Game Demo for their science/engineering game "Crazy Gadget." Team members Travishgw 2011 and Johndgw 2011 fully answer all required questions, and they also have an interactive demo of their game. I had a good time fiddling around with the circuit pieces myself, I can't wait to see how the Final Game turns out this spring!

Play the Game Demo yourself below:

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